Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Change is good right?

Trying to decide what curriculum to use next year is like trying to design a house for your children when they get 10 years or so.   There are so many factors that it just becomes overwhelming.  

I have the bad habit of wanting to try new stuff every year. I also keeping a lot of old stuff which just takes up space somewhere in my overly small house.  I am stuck with the feeling that I can't sell it because I might use it...some day...maybe.  It doesn't help that each one of my children learns in a different style and therefore I can't use the same thing for each of them for every subject....even if their styles were they same I don't think I would anyways, as I would get bored.   Change is good right?

So it's April again, and I have this nagging feel that if I don't plan out next years stuff now, I will never get it done.  Of course, where my kids are now, is not where they'll be in 6 months, as they are most definitely not where they were 6 months ago.  So how do you plan for that?  Some things are easy...or at least they seem easy until I think about them.  Math for example.  Jess and V will continue with what they have been using for the last 3 years.  Mason has to switch, as after 4 years of the same type of math, he is needing a change, both for interest sake and for abilities sake.  Sam, she'll remain on Abeka.  She loves it....but then again...No Stop...She's staying with Abeka.  It's already ordered so there's no changing your mind on that one.  

I get thinking about switching things up a bit.  Add interest for the older two's sake...But is it me that wants the change or them?  I guess I should take into account what they'd like to do, since they are the ones that will be doing it.   But they, like me, don't know about the other stuff out there because they've never used it.  So we look at different stuff and are left with the same nagging question.  Is it better, worse or just different?

So the ultimate question is, do I stick with what we've being using or switch it up and hope for a more successful interesting year?


  1. Hi! I just joined Homeschool Library and noticed you have Rainbow Science in your signature. I had never heard of it and decided to do a little research to see if it would be a good fit for my 7th grader next year. So I'm just curious, how did you like it? How long did/have you used it?

  2. I used it with 2 of children. My oldest was in grade 9 at the time and it was too light for a grade 9 level, but it was a good match for my grade 7 non science loving daughter. While she didn't love it; she did learn. I purchased it used off ebay and even though it was suppose to be complete, it was missing things (that you didn't notice until they were trying to do the experiment). So if you do purchase it, I highly recommend getting it from the company. The format is something like this.. (3 days a week are considered science days, 2 reading and answering a few questions, followed by a lab day (bring together the 2 reading days)). The textbook is used for 2 years. The first part biology and chemistry (easy level and doesn't really require much in the way of math skills); followed by a year of physic's and applications. We didn't do the 2nd year. My oldest needed more and my grade 7 would like to try something with less labs (????).
